Wednesday, October 10, 2007

How will you be remembered?

I was watching some footage of the funeral service for football star Chris Mainwaring on telly last night, and they showed a few snippets from the eulogy's given by his friends & family. Everyone was saying what they would remember him for & what was important to him in life.

This got me thinking what I would want people to remember me for. If I could write my own eulogy it would go something like this:

Scott had a love for life, he was a proud husband & father & gave his all to those he loved. He was a loyal, faithful friend to all those he met. He strived to serve God wholeheartedly & was always trying to be his best.

I'm not quite 29 years old so God willing I have a long way to go until this eulogy is required. It is interesting though to think about how you would want to be remembered. For now though, I have so much to do in life, this one can stay in the archives.

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