If my working week could be represented by an open book, at the end of this week I would've closed the book shut, never to be opened again.
My job as a courier driver is usually fairly straight forward & simple. I might have a busy or bad day every now & then, but not every day as it has been this last week. I've had extra work to do every day, & have been home late most evenings.
Some reason this week, come the end of the day, there's always an urgent job to be picked up that must be delivered today, not overnight, as our system is supposed to operate.
The last couple of days our air freight from Sydney has not arrived on time, so due to no fault of our own, we ended up with two days of freight to deliver in one day. I managed to finish the week & got home at a reasonable hour, so now a rough week behind me, I can have a couple of days off & look to the week new ahead. It's gonna be great.
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