Sunday, December 2, 2007


Today I had to look after Chloe for the first time by myself. Jo went out to my sisters baby shower & left me to look after the baby.

She had shown me what to do & left some instructions, & I did my best. I gave Chloe some afternoon tea then played with her on the carpet, then gave her a bottle & put her down to bed. She slept for about a half hour, then woke up. Jo arrived home soon after.

I have to admit, while working can be a pain in the butt sometimes, I think the mothers do a fantastic job of being home all day every day looking after a child.

I'm sure it gets easier after a while when yo do it everyday.

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1 Comment:

Tracey said...

Hi Scott! Wouldn`t say it gets easier! lol Just different! :D Worth it though! I loved being home for my girls. They both go to school now though, but this allows me to work and study.

have tagged you by the way in a meme I was tagged in! It`s quite a good one about 7 facts about yourself!

Here is the link to mine:-

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