Sunday, November 18, 2007

The final leg

This week is the final week of the Australian Federal election campaign. For five weeks now, we've heard lot's of different promises from both major parties, and you start to wonder how many of these promises will be fulfilled, when the winner is decided.

There are two things that really make me mad during this election campaign. The first is the amount of money spent on tv ads, flyer's etc. If they spent that amount of money on the more important things such as running the country or helping those in other parts of the world who are desperate.

The second is that they spend all their time slamming the opposition rather than selling their own policies. It's always "Mr Rudd said this" or "Mr Howard did this". They sound like children squabbling. To think that one of them will be our Prime Minister!!

I suppose it's only going to get worse during this final week, but it will be all over next week.

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