Sunday, July 15, 2007

Desktop Cleanup

I've just spent a few hours this afternoon attempting to organize a few of the many cluttered files on my computer.

Over the past few years, as you use the computer for different things, whether it be letter or document writing, photo imaging or whatever else you do, your hard drive gets cloged up with stray files & other bits & pieces that you really don't need.

Now you could spend hours going through your files deleting things you don't need or want, but after about an hour and a half I barley scratched the surface. From the last virus scan I think there are about 250ish thousand files on my hard drive.

I think the best way to clean it all up would be to re format the entire hard drive, and while I really don't know how to do that properly, I do have a couple of mates who are computer geeks & I'm sure one of them would be willing to help me out.

Do you have the same problem with your computer getting clogged up with junk? How do you go about cleaning up your desktop? Are you able to re format you HD, or do you just leave it to those who know what they're doing? That's one profession I'd like to pursue.

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