Thursday, May 31, 2007


Yes I am a routine man. I like to know what I have to do & when it has to be done, so my current job at Network Couriers works well for me.

I have a set run twice a day, with certain places I go have to every day at certain set times. It's all in my head & I know it off by heart.

So when a customer decides that during the winter they're going to open half an hour later in the mornings, it can be, well, a pain in the neck.

I have to slightly re-arrange the morning schedule to suit, which means I have to do another job, then backtrack. It's really not that much of a hassle, but when you have your jobs set out as 1, 2, 3, 4 & you have to change them to 1, 3, 4, 2 it makes you think more. That's the problem, I don't like to think, I would rather just do it.

How about you? Do you get annoyed when your routine gets messed around, or do you like different things all the time? Too much to think about, gives me a headache, Arhh.

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