Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A flat start to the day

Have you ever tried to use something with a flat battery?

I had downloaded an MP3 off the net this morning intending to put it onto my MP3 player & listen to it on the way to work.

I got up ten minutes earlier to allow time for it to download & then copied the file to my MP3 player. I then put the MP3 player in my bag & headed out the door.

When I arrived at work, I got myself organized, took the MP3 player out of my bag, put the earphones in & pressed the ON button. Nothing happened. I tried it a couple more times without any success & realized the battery must be flat. No I didn't have any spares!!

I was quite disappointed, because I was looking forward to listening to a radio programme that I got from the Internet, but these things happen sometimes & life must go on.

Has that ever happened to you, or do you make sure you have spare batteries with you??

I've replaced the battery, & now look forward to listening to it tomorrow.

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